Online World Café
The SLIDE team developed the Online World Café method using interactive distance-learning technologies for exchange between higher education teachers and staff about the opportunities and challenges that arise from the use of emerging digital technologies. A pilot event was organized in October 2023, which resulted in a instruction manual for teachers on how to implement the method in their digital teaching.
‘Digital Empowerment Transformation with You!’
On 16 October 2023, the SLIDE consortium organized the Online World Café event “Digital Empowerment Transformation with you! The event was focused on higher education teachers, trainers and educational leaders interested in digital empowerment through community-university partnerships and service-learning. Three central questions were explored:
- What are the reasons to (not) be digitally empowered?
- What kind of consequences of using digital technologies can be stated?
- What kind of vulnerabilities arise from the use of emerging digital technologies in service-learning?